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Sunday, April 1, 2012

About BSI Plaza

Article marketing for online store

Online stores that are new are usually empty and in need of promotion, and extra extra hard to be able to consistently generate traffic which is then converted into a sale transaction. Promoting Online Store although a little more difficult but really is not much different than usual when promoting your website
One is the method of article marketing, you can set up a special module in your online store to accommodate the articles associated with the product you are selling.
In using this method, article marketing is in writing should contain the information for its readers bermanfaaat though it contains elements of the sale to the product being sold, but you should still do it that way softselling and not too aggressive. Try to provide a link on any keyword associated with the product, for example, you sell the flat shoes flat shoes in article marketing you write,
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Penta Super Gloss

IDR 55.000
Sales of motor vehicles and special paint truck prices adjust the type and brand of the selected parts.
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IDR 15.000
Sales of motor vehicle parts and special sliwer truck prices adjust the type and brand of the selected parts.
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Velg Truck

Sales of motor vehicle parts and special wheels truck prices adjust the type and brand of the selected parts.
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Jumbo F (CJ B016)

IDR 95.000
Sales of motor vehicle parts and special trucks.
Price customize the type and brand of the selected parts.
Bolt : M20*1.5*91 mm
Nut : SWA41/30 H26/18 mm
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Scania (BSB-0B6)

IDR 85.000
Sales of motor vehicle parts and special trucks.
Price customize the type and brand of the selected parts.
Bolt :M 7/8-11*96 mm
Nut : SW32 H31 mm
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Jasa pengelasan kendaraan bermotor dan spesial truck.
Harga bisa di tawar sesuai tingkat kerusakan dan seberapa banyak tingkat pengelasannya.
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Motor vehicle painting services and special trucks.
At bargain prices to suit the level of damage and how many levels modifikasiny.
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IDR 10.350.000
Services to modify a motor vehicle and special trucks.
At bargain prices to suit the level of damage and how many levels of modification.
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Monday, October 17, 2011


IDR 5.295.000
Nam semper lacus eu enim sagittis vitae malesuada libero molestie. Nunc orci risus, iaculis at aliquet vitae, hendrerit at est. Proin quis sapien nec eros tempor sodales. Curabitur et lacus sed orci rhoncus luctus. Mauris gravida eleifend est vel sodales. Vestibulum mattis pulvinar mi, faucibus rutrum dui ultrices non. Vestibulum sollicitudin lacus non nisl dignissim facilisis.
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Friday, September 30, 2011

Tools Workshop

IDR 1.500.000
Mauris sit amet orci arcu, nec imperdiet quam. Praesent luctus orci sit amet lectus accumsan id auctor purus rhoncus. In lorem dui, bibendum sit amet tempor vitae, tincidunt eu nulla. In aliquam neque eu enim fringilla ullamcorper. Praesent dapibus massa libero. Integer sed libero sem. Sed sit amet sapien eget lectus aliquam posuere nec eu nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ac nisi sit amet purus adipiscing varius. Cras aliquam elit nec metus viverra eget ultrices ante pellentesque.
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IDR 850.000
Curabitur pulvinar euismod ante, ac sagittis ante posuere ac. Vivamus luctus commodo dolor porta feugiat. Fusce at velit id ligula pharetra laoreet non a nisl. Ut nec metus a mi ullamcorper hendrerit. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque sed nibh a quam accumsan dignissim quis quis urna. Quisque imperdiet malesuada sapien id auctor. Sed pharetra, elit quis consectetur suscipit, arcu dui tincidunt nibh, ornare varius lectus nisi ut nulla. Proin a erat lacus. Maecenas bibendum erat nec nunc porttitor ut consequat lacus congue.
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Welding Cabin

IDR 799.000
Nunc consectetur, magna dignissim adipiscing fringilla, nulla justo consectetur ipsum, eu fermentum ante velit in nisl. Pellentesque adipiscing sagittis nisl et molestie. Maecenas vel massa lorem. Praesent sit amet lacus dui, et dictum enim. Donec a ante nunc, lobortis commodo ipsum.
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